We are not alone: confronting the legacies of eugenics

We will be pleased to welcome activist and researcher Marius Turda (Oxford Brookes University) for a conversation about confronting the legacies of eugenics in the world. The event is part of the activities of the Sankofa research group, led by profa. Gracyelle Costa in partnership with prof. Robert Wegner, from Casa de Oswaldo Cruz.
We will have translation
Register by March 31st here at this link
Date : April 2, 2024, at 10am
Location : Main building of the School of Social Service at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Praia Vermelha
Address : Av. Pasteur, n° 250. UFRJ, Campus Praia Vermelha, Urca
Find out more about the project at:
https://confront-eugenics.org and https://gpsankofa.com
Doubts? Write to gpssankofa@gmail.com
Follow our Instagram account GPSankofa
Exibição "We are not alone: confronting eugenics" (PT-BR)
Material com direitos autorais, gentileza citar a fonte. Conheça mais sobre o projeto em https://confront-eugenics.org

Event photos